Thursday, July 31, 2008

BVIG original site back online ....

The Bow Valley Information Group is back online after a content review . This page was only a temporary
move while the original was down . Please visit original site @ for new photos and updates .

Thanks .

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Escape the hustle & bustle of Canmore ... go for a hike .

Image : Quarry lake park Canmore

It's always easier to get home after working a long shift and watch tv or surf the net . Try a nice walk or hike away from the cars and noise . It'll make you feel much better . Canmore has far too many areas to list which are relaxing and beautiful . Close your eyes , spin around & head in any direction .. you're sure to find one .

Photo of the day ...bad one & good ones .

Quite a few bear pictures submitted . It's a good thing they're
not beside the garbage !

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Original Bow Valley Information Group site BVIG shut down due to content complaint...........

Our original site at has been shut down pending a content review after a complaint was filed with google blogger . The original site will be back within 48 hrs . Looks like our articles have touched a nerve . We have a laarge data base of emails so all events etc have been sent out so most will still have access to INFORMATION . Anyone who would like to have larger more detailed photos from our posts can have them. Simply request them at . Our regular format will resume as time allows . keep posted .

Banff Refreshing Party .....

Banff gears up for giant party
Posted By Matthew Timmins
Updated 4 hours ago
By Matthew Timmins
Town investment: $100,000. Banff Lake Louise tourism: $30,000. Cash sponsorships: $15,000. Media value sponsorships: $70,000. Four Canadian bands playing on Banff Ave to in an area set to hold 30,000 people: Priceless.
That’s the price Banffites and visitors will have to pay on August 21 to see Ron Sexsmith, Joel Plaskett Emergency, K-Os and Theory of a Deadman for the Banff Refreshing Party. But even though the date is set for less than a month away, the town of Banff and everyone involved still have a long way to go.

Photos of the day

Young Black Bear near Muleshoe

The Exshaw Osprey

Town Of Canmore Dumping Aluminum Cans At Francis Cooke Landfill ... What about the recycle program ???

Images show aluminum cans squished and buried in soil at landfill . Is this a mistake or has it been a cheap and easy solution for a long period of time ?

Francis Cooke Landfill ....... is that much really recycled ?

Large woodchip/mulch containing lead based paint chips , vanish , stain , and various other
material . This is the recycle answer ? Provide free mulch to valley residents with this material mixed in ?

No staff at main dump area & no one operating machinery .

BVIG : It has been brought to our attention after several telephone conversations and emails that the Bow Valley Waste Commission and the Francis Cooke Landfill " brass " are definately not providing accurate information to the public . One simply has to drive through the landfill to see the deception .
This is what we have found : All clean wood material is supposed to be dumped at the wood section ( illustrated above ) which in turn is recycled . Only a portion of wood brought into the landfill is recycled though , into useless contaminated mulch and woodchips . Allowed in this clean wood section is : painted wood , stained wood & varnished wood in massive quantaties . No one is actually sure of the chemical makeup of the paint and stains etc . Lead based paint etc is not a good product to have in mulch . Apparently this is overlooked . Oddly enough pressure treated wood is not allowed to be dumped anywhere in the landfill .. it has a special container which residents much use at a fee of $20/ arm load . The container is then shipped by a trucking firm into the city of Calgary . The theory - Pressure treated wood can leech into the ground in time & at a faster rate due to downward pressure / weight from soil if buried . The fear is arsnic a chemical used in the treatment process thus allowing the wood to become rot resistant . . At the Francis Cooke landfill pressure treated wood it is a big money maker . Why do they allow varnich , lead based paint , allpainted wood , & stained wood to be made into mulch ?? Is this a safe recycling practice ? Plastics , ceramic , mattresses , tar paper , fiberglass , glass and many more material is allowed to be buried at the landfill .. all of this is recycleable .
The massive pile of concrete mixing with the pavement pile is also recycleable and is done on a regular basis according the the powers that be . It's not though .. Why is the pile so big ? It has never been recycled . Why are aluminum cans of all shapes and sizes dumped at the landfill metal area and smushed into the ground ( as illustrated above ) ? These aren't being recycled as stated by the powers that be . Why is wood with all kinds of bizzare chemical compounds soaked into it being sold and given away as mulch and woodchips ? Why is the pile / piles so big ? This isn't recycling as it is meant to be ! Why is there so much material blowing out of the lanfill and into trees ?( as pictured above ) . Luckily for the commission the summer leaves hide a great deal of it . Fall and winter are coming though . Why is there never enough staff to get things done properly and in an efficient manner atthe landfill ? Do the local construction companies realize what is happening to their waste ? They are being charged hefty fees for it .
These questions and more were put forth to the powers that be via a mass email request . Amazingly enough no response at any level has been given . The only response went to the Google complaint dept thus putting our original address site down and under content review . It will be back up in 48hrs .. not to worry . Guess we touched a nerve . Good . That is our main objective - POSITIVE CHANGE .